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Samyon UTM-1451 万能试验机 (50kN)

Application: Universal Testing Machine is suitable for quality control of various fields, including metal wire, nylon wire,plastic, rubber, textile and clothes, packaging etc, for tension, compression and bending, peer and tear test.


ISO 527-1993 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties

ISO 604-2002 Plastics - Determination of compressive properties

ISO 178-2004 Plastics - Determination of flexural properties

ISO 1209-1-2007 Rigid cellular plastics - Determination of flexural properties - Part 1: Basic bending test

ISO 1209-2-2007 Rigid cellular plastics - Determination of flexural properties - Part 2: Determination of flexural strength and apparent flexural modulus of elasticity

ASTM D 638-2008 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics


Max load: 10KN/20KN/30KN

Grade: 0.5

Load measuring range: 0.2%~ 100%FS

Load resolution: 1/200000

Deformation range: 0.2~ 100%FS

Deformation range: 1/200000

Large deformation measuring range: 5~ 800mm

Large deformation resolution: 0.0125mm

Displacement resolution: 1μm

Crossbeam speed range: 0.001~ 500mm/min

Specimen width: 400mm

Max. tensile travel: 900mm

Power supply: 220VAC-15%~220VAC+10%50Hz 1KW

Max. Force: 50kN

Speed: (0.05-500) mm/min

Tensile space: (0-900)mm

Crossbeam resolution: 0.001mm

Display & OutputPC: control, Printer


  • 质量承诺
  • 正品保修
  • 送货到家
  • 交易简单化

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