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Stanford SIM954 双通道逆变放大器 (DC - 300 MHz)

Bandwidth (-3 dB): DC to 300 MHz

Gain: 12 dB into 50 Ω (inverting)

Gain flatness: <1 dB (DC to 100 MHz)

Crosstalk: -60 dB (at 1 MHz); -40 dB (full BW)

VSWR: 1.2:1 (DC to 100 MHz); 1.6:1 (DC to 300 MHz)

Isolation: -70 dB (DC to 1 MHz); -40 dB (full BW)

Slew rate: 4000 V/µs

Output amplitude: ±10 V (into 50 Ω)

Peak output current: 1 A (into ≤7 Ω)

Average output current: 500 mA (sum of both channels)

Output impedance: 3.3 Ω

Input impedance: 50 Ω

Input offset voltage: 1 mV (trimmable)

Input bias current: 10 µA (trimmable)

Operating temperature: 0 °C to 40 °C (non-condensing)

Interface: Serial via SIM interface

Connectors: BNC (4 front); DB15 (male) SIM interface

Power: Power supplied by the SIM900 Mainframe, or optionally by a user-provided DC power supply (±15 V and +5 V)

Dimensions: 1.5" × 3.6"× 7.0" (WHL)

Weight: 1.4 lbs




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